The journal Progress in Lipid Research (PLR) is sponsoring the “PLR Young Investigator Award” in conjunction with the Bioactive Lipids Conference to encourage and bring distinction to promising early career researchers in lipid research. The awardee will present a named lecture and a plaque will be presented during the conference.
Competition is limited to independent junior faculty (Assistant and Associate Professor or equivalent). The person must not be at the tenure level in his/her faculty career. Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.
1. All nominees must be registered to attend the conference, submit an abstract, and be willing to give an oral presentation.
2. Nominations for the award can be self or by a colleague and should be received by the Organizing Committee on or before the Abstract submission deadline date.
3. All nominations should be in the form of a letter (250 words maximum) highlighting the important aspects of the abstract. The nomination letter should accompany the current CV of the nominee and a letter from their department chair attesting that the nominee is a tenure-track or research-track faculty with independent status. At the minimum, the CV should include education, training, awards and honors, professional affiliations, research funding, and publications.
4. Organizing Committee selects the awardee from all eligible nominations using the abstract, nominating letter, and the CV. Winner must attend the conference to receive the award and give an oral presentation.
Submission deadline date: August 26, 2022
Submit all nominations via email by clicking below: