Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Related Diseases



Eicosanoid Research Foundation “Young Investigator” Awards

The ERF Young Investigator Awards were instituted at the 6th conference of the series held in Boston in 1999. Three awards, one each in Cancer, Inflammation, and Structure/Function, have traditionally been awarded for the best work presented at the conference. The above awards are sponsored by Cayman Chemical. This year, a fourth award has been added in the area of Resolution. The Resolution award is sponsored by Solutex.

Guidelines to participate in the competition have been modified to keep in line with NIH guidelines.

1. Competition is limited to faculty (Assistant and Associate Professor or equivalent) of 45 years of age or less.

2. Those interested in participating in the ERF Young Investigator Award competition must first register and submit an abstract before applying.

3. Nominations for the awards can be self or by a colleague and should be received by the Organizing Committee on or before the Abstract submission deadline date.

4. All nominations should be in the form of a letter (250 words maximum) highlighting the important aspects of the abstract. The letter should also indicate the category, viz. Cancer, Inflammation, Resolution or Structure/Function, for which the abstract is being nominated. The nomination letter should accompany the current CV of the nominee. At the minimum, the CV should include education, training, awards and honors, professional affiliations, research funding, and publications. Preferably, the nomination letter, the abstract, and the CV should be combined into one PDF file for submission.

5. Organizing Committee screens and selects eight nominees (two for each category) from all nominations using the abstracts, nominating letters, and the CVs. All selected nominees are required to give oral presentations in the special session.

6. A panel of judges (3 judges + 2 chairs of the session) will score the presentations to determine the finalists.


Submission deadline date: August 26, 2022

Submit all nominations via email by clicking below:

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Previous Awardees


16th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
St. Petersburg, Florida – 2019

Structure Function

Sungwhan Oh, PhD

Immunomodulation by alpha-galactosylceramides of

gut symbiont origin: a multifaceted study

Harvard University

Boston, MA, US


Valerio Chiurchiu, PhD

SPMs are altered in MS patients & modulate the inflammatory

responses of key pathogenic cells at the interface between blood

and the brain

University of Rome

Rome, Italy

Biochemistry & Molecular

Aditi Das, PhD

Anti-inflammatory & potential anti-pain properties of novel ω-3 and

ω–6 dopamine & serotonin-based endocannabinoids


University of Illinois

Urbana, IL, USA

15th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – 2017 

Structure Function

Scott B. Hansen, PhD

The Role of Membrane Order and Arachidonoyl Lipids in Pain Channel Activation The Scripps Research

Institute, Jupiter, FL, US


Jesmond Dalli’s, PhD

Novel n-3 Docosapentaneoic Acid-derived Resolvins are Vasculoprotective and Mediate the Actions of

Statins in Controlling Inflammation William Harvey Research Institute Queen Mary University of

London, United Kingdom


Karin Larsson, PhD

Selective Inhibition of mPGES-1 in Cancer-associated Fibroblasts Suppresses Neuroblastoma Tumor Growth

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

14th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
Budapest, Hungary – 2015

Structure Function

Valeria Vasquez, PhD

Using Caenorhabditis elegans to study the effect of bioactive lipids on sensory ion channels

University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN


Chengcan Yao, PhD

Regulation of Immune Inflammation by Prostaglandin E2

University of Edinburgh Queen’s Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland


Dipak Panigrahy, MD

Control of Cancer by the stimulation of Resolutions

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

13th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
San Juan, Puerto Rico – 2013 

Structure Function

Michael Holinstat, PhD

Novel regulation of hemostasis and thrombosis is mediated through inhibitory effects of the 12-

lipoxygenase product 12-HPETrE in human platelets Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA


Ashley Snider, PhD

Role of Bone Marrow Derived Sphingosine Kinase-1 and Sphingosine-1-Phosphate in the Regulation of Inflammation

Stony Brook University, Stonybrook, NY


Niccolo Terrando, PhD

Aspirin-triggered resolvin D1 prevents surgery-induced cognitive decline Karolinska Institute,

Stockholm, Sweden


Daniel Nomura’s, PhD

Mapping Dysregulated Lipid Signaling Pathways in Disease University of California,

Berkeley, CA

12th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
Seattle, Washington – 2011

Structure Function

Michael G. Malkowski, PhD

Substrate binding to cyclooxygenases: Insight into specificity and catalysis State University of New York

at Buffalo, Buffalo


Matthew Spite, PhD

Resolvin D1 promotes resolution of inflammation and improves metabolic parameters in obese-diabetic mice

University of Louisville, Louisville


Mustapha Kandouz, PhD

12-Lipoxygenase-induced prostate cancer radioresistance: a pivotal role for NF-kB signaling? Wayne

State University, Detroit

11th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
Cancun, Mexico – 2009

Structure Function

Venkatakrishna Rao Jala, PhD

Novel strategies in targeting G-protein coupled leukotriene B4 receptors, BLT1 and BLT2 for inflammatory diseases

University of Louisville, Louisville, KY USA


Nicolas Flamand, PhD

The Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoyl-glycerol Activates Human Eosinophils Through Several

Mechanisms: Importance of Eicosanoids Université Laval, Québec City, QC Canada


Anthony Ashton, PhD

TPb Controls Angiogenesis Through Direct Interaction With and Change in the Subcellular Localization

of Connexin 43 University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

10th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
Montreal, Canada – 2007

Structure Function

Dr. Bindi Dangi

Biogenic Synthesis, Purification and Chemical Characterization of Anti-inflammatory Oxylipins Derived

from Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPAn-6) Martek Biosciences Corporation


Dr. Victoria A. Blaho

Cyclooxygenase-1 is critical for the development of pathogen-specific antibody production

Departments of Molecular Biology and Immunology, University of Missouri


Dr. Michael P.W. Moos

Expression pattern and function of the CysLT2R Departments of Physiology and Biochemistry, Queen’s University


Dr. K. Sandeep Prabhu

Differential regulation of expression of thromboxane and prostaglandin synthases, TXS, mPGES-1 and

H-PGDS by selenium in macrophages Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, The

Pennsylvania State University

9th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
San Francisco, CA – 2005

Structure Function

Dr. Makoto Arita

BDerived lipid mediator Resolvin E1: Stereochemistry, Receptor and Anti-inflammatory and

protective Action in Colitis Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School


Dr. Magnus Back

Leukotriene B4 induced Vascular Inflammation: Role of NF-?B dependant BLT1 Receptors in Ion

Channel Activation and NeointimalHyperplasis Center for Molecular Medicine & Department of

Cardiology, Karolinska University Hospital


Dr. Hongying Wang

ß-Catenin Mediates PAR-2 Activation-Induced COX-2 Expression in Epithelial Cells

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Calgary


Dr. Keqin Tang

Regulation of Arachidonate 12-Lipoxygenase by Physical Interaction with Integrin ß4

Department of Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University

8th International Bioactive Lipids Conference
Chicago, IL – 2003

Structure Function

Dr. Ming Luo

Nuclear Localization of 5-Lipoxygenase Primes for Enhanced LTB4 Synthesis: a Causal Relationship

Revealed by a Molecular Approach Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI


Dr. Karsten Gronert

A Molecular Defect in Intracellular Lipid Signaling in Human Neutrophils in Localized Aggressive Tissue Damage

Department of Pharmacology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY


Dr. Mona L. Gauthier

COX-2 expression in multi-step breast carcinogenesis Department of Pathology, University of

California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

7th International Eicosanoid Conference

Nashville, TN – 2001 

Structure Function

Dr. David M. Aronoff

The Cellular Selectivity of Acetaminophen: Lipid peroxides are determinants of the Inhibition of

Prostaglandin H Synthases by Acetaminophen Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine


Dr. James Mulhally

Cyclopentenone Prostaglandins of the J-series inhibit the Ubiquitin Isopeptidase Activity of the

Proteasome Pathway Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Utah


Dr. Yoshide Kanaoka

Targeted Disruption of the mouse Leukotriene C4 Synthase Gene

Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

6th International Eicosanoid Conference
Boston, Mass – 1999 

Structure Function

Dr. Timothy Hla

EDG-1 Family of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (SPP) Receptors Center for Vascular Biology University of

Connecticut Health Center


Dr. Takehiko Yokomizo

Leukotriene B4 receptor: Structure, transcriptional regulation, and intracellular signaling. Department

of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


Dr. Per-Johan Jakobsson

Prostaglandin E Synthase: A Microsomal, Glutathione Dependant, Inducible Member of the MAPEG

Superfamily. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute