Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Related Diseases

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The DeSeranno Family Foundation is sponsoring two (2) travel awards 
inconjunction with the Bioactive Lipids Conference.
Sponsored by:
1. The DeSerannoFoundation Travel Awardin the amount of $500 is limited to postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.
2. Individuals seeking a DeSeranno Foundation Travel Award must meet the eligibility requirements and apply as follows:
a. All nominees must be registered to attend the conference, submit an abstract, and be willing to give an oral presentation.
b. Nominees must collect and assemble the following documents as a PDF file and email to the address below:
I. A letter seeking the DeSeranno Foundation Travel Award that clearly and concisely states the needs and benefits of attending the conference (one page limit).
II. A letter from the department Chairman or training supervisor, confirming the eligibility status (postdoctoral fellow or graduate student) of the applicant.
III. The abstract submitted for the conference.
3. Applications for the DeSeranno Foundation Travel Award DOES NOT precludean applicant from participating in the contests for the Santosh Nigam Outstanding Young Investigator Awardor other Travel Awards. However, applications for each award must be submitted independentof the other.
4. Deadline for submitting abstracts and this Travel Award application is August 16, 2019
5. An independent panel of judges will select the finalist and the award will be announced/presented at the Gala Dinner during the conference (Tuesday, October 22, 2019). The winners MUST be present in person to receive the awards, lest they will be forfeited and presented to the runners-up at the discretion of the ERF Board of Directors.
Application and recommendation letters must be sent via email

Submission deadline date: August 16, 2019

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