The organizing committee for the Eicosanoid Research Foundation and the Winter Eicosanoid Conference names Lawrence J. Marnett, PhD. as the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the International Conference on Lipid Mediators in Health and Disease in recognition of his pioneering research on bioactive lipids, especially on the structure and function of cyclooxygenases and the role of lipid peroxidation products on DNA modification leading to mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.

University Distinguished Professor
Mary Geddes Stahlman Professor of Cancer Research
University Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Professor of Pharmacology
About Dr. Lawrence J. Marnett
Lawrence J. Marnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology, Mary Geddes Stahlman Professor of Cancer Research, Professor of Biochemistry, and Professor of Chemistry. Dr. Marnett received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Duke University in 1973 and did postdoctoral work at the Karolinska Institute and Wayne State University. He began his academic career at Wayne State University where he rose through the ranks to Professor of Chemistry. In 1989, he moved to Vanderbilt.
Marnett’s research program focuses on the role of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 in cancer and inflammation as well as on the contribution of normal metabolism to the generation of DNA damage and mutation. His group has used structure-based approaches in conjunction with medicinal chemistry to design selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors as potential anti-inflammatory, cancer preventive, and anti-angiogenic agents.
Included in the awards Marnett has received are The Wayne State University President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the American Cancer Society Faculty Research Award, the Sigma Xi Research Award, the Michigan Association of Governing Boards Distinguished Faculty Award, the Wayne State University Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, an Outstanding Investigator Award from the National Cancer Institute, the Harvey Branscomb Distinguished Professorship, and the Stanley Cohen Prize at Vanderbilt University.
He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the author of over 330 research publications and 10 patents. He is the founding and current editor of the American Chemical Society journal, Chemical Research in Toxicology. Marnett served as Associate Director of Basic Research of the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center from 1993-2002 and was named Director of the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology in 2002. He has been an active member of the American Chemical Society and American Association for Cancer Research.