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*Abstraction submission access will be available for registered paticipants with their email and Registration ID combination.

  • The complete abstract (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, and acknowledgements) MUST NOT exceed 6.5 x 9” (approximately 17 x 23 cm). Format the abstract to fit on an 8.5 x 11” page with 1” margins all around.
  • The minimum font size to be used is 12 point. There is no restriction on the font type to be used.
  • Title should be concise yet informative. Use bold face but DO NOT use all uppercase characters for the title. (e.g. Modulation of tyrosine kinase signaling pathways by ω-3 fatty acid derived prostaglandins in human mammary epithelial cells.)
  • List all authors (Last name, first name, followed by any initials) in order as a separate paragraph immediately after the title. Type the presenting author’s name (only!) using all UPPERCASE characters. (e.g. SMITH, JOSEPH W., Carpenter, James D., and Wood, Catherine)
  • The abstract itself should contain only text and no figures or tables allowed.
  • Any references cited must be part of the abstract text and should not be listed separately.
  • Acknowledgements should be the last item of the abstract page.
Cilck here to view sample abstract